Monday, August 10, 2009

Keep Yer' Web Hosting Hands off my Free Blog!!

Arghhh... I really wanted someone to sit on a porch and drink beers with me tonight. I mean, it is Monday after all.

Lacking that I sat here staring at the same internet I've been reading all day, listening to NOFX and thinking of witty quips from their songs to use to keep Adam entertained for the rest of the month (happy late August 8th to you all by the way) and when all was said and done I landed here on old Front Porch Affairs.

Well, this wasn't entirely spontaneous. My sister gave me a digital nudge to get back at it and I figure I'll see what I can do. In the meantime here's a quick throw down of what the happenings are. You guys ready? Let's rap.

-I'm almost making money for the first time in my life. So much in fact that I might actually buy an iPhone. Then the internet will know my overbearing and domineering presence! The downside is I actually have to spend time at work now to get that money. I've only had one day a week off for the past couple months when I got so used to four or five. Ain't life a sum'bitch?

-I just put on the album "Pump up the Valium" for the first time in a while and realized that whatever I did while importing or downloading that album several years ago to my library absolutely destroyed it and made it low-resolution unlistenable garbage. I might have the CD somewhere and could resolve this. The same thing happened with "The Greatest Story Ever Told" by the Lawrence Arms.

...that last bit wasn't really any new news. Moving on.

-We just had the grand opening for my job that I actually look forward to going to which is more than most of you schlubs can say! Now when people ask what I do I no longer have to go, "well, um... er... I kind of do this thing, where all this stuff goes on, and I run such and such... it's confusing." I can just be like, "I'm the Dumbledore of the school of rock". (Credit goes to Mike Sarason for that one)

-I recently signed a lease for a smaller and more expensive apartment than the one I currently live in. That was either a brilliant or terrible idea. Not really sure yet. But I move out in about three weeks which means no more living in a sea of beer cans, bugs, bad smells, and dude sweat. On the down side I'll no longer live in a sea of beer cans, bad smells, and dude sweat... but the bugs I can definitely live without. Seriously, I'm afraid some of the spiders on our front porch are going to fully evolve into demons and devour me one of these days.

-The Best Revenge is relatively back in full swing as we've been practicing for the recording of our full length and played our first full band show with Bomb the Music Industry a few weeks ago. Our next show is this August 16th (soon!) at 345 Warner (house show!) with a bunch of stupid good bands. We've got new songs, new songs, new songs galore! The best part is we get to practice at my work for free which means I barely ever have to leave if I really don't want to. For the recording of the album we're trying to sneak our way into the tracking room of my old Alma Mater at CCM and knock out drum, bass and guitar in there over the course of a weekend or so. Wish us luck!

-Speaking of BTMI, I'm totally digging this music video they did. It totally captures the aesthetic of the album which in turn did a great job of capturing the mentality of an entire, albeit relatively small in comparison, sub-counter-culture to the counter-culture. (Also, LOL at Jeff's face on the word "closed")

-That being said, as per usual I doubt my musical abilities and have recently started to force myself to practice any instrument for at least 30 minutes or so any time I have the energy for it after work before I go home. Lately it's been drums which are entirely self taught and probably quite hilarious to hear. I could also really use some piano lessons or something. My playing is pretty stagnated by playing Slackers songs with just the right hand and the left can no longer keep up.

-I'll probably never be able to get health insurance because I'm terrified that the people in charge are big pussies and will cave into the loudest opinion of the craziest mother fuckers lobbyist money can buy. I've had this rash now for like five months. My looks are important dudes.

So that's me. How are things with you?

Oh, hey Chris. It's 12:08.

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