But that's not what we're here for. Let's get down to brass tacks. I'm excited about a new president. You're excited! Right? Yeah. I mean it's awesome. This dude rules. He's shutting down gitmo, freezing government wages, and putting his foot down on lobbying. And that's just the first forty-eight hours! But I can't be content with that. You see, once things start going too good, it's a rule of thumb that I have to dig deep to find who's still being a poop smear on our moral fabric and bringing the rest of us down so I can continue being pissed off. I run on being pissed off the way Bender on Futurama runs on booze.
It didn't take me long to find out who feels the need to shart all over our parade. Our good friends at Fox News are still playing their game... and they're really good at it. So for the days leading up to and following the inauguration I've been making a point to watch as much of them as possible, at a minimum I've at least been watching Bill-O. If this guy wasn't so dangerous with the tongue sword I would probably admire the hell out of him. I mean, the dude is made a living out of talking and he's "bossed up" as Johnny says. He kept telling me leading up to the inauguration that he'd be fair with Obama, but he would not give him a free pass. Okay. Fair enough. So what did end up happening?
Obama barely made it through inauguration day before the Fox machine started in to make sure their unwaveringly rigid conservative fan base didn't get a chance... to give the guy a chance. Lets take a look at Bill's talking points from last night, the first show after the inauguration:
"How do we cover the new Obama administration? Good question and I have a clear answer. I am going to become Paul Revere."
Well that sounds admirable Bill. Paul Revere was that guy who rode around and told us if the British were coming or something right? Okay. So you'll let us know if bad stuff happens when it happens.... Go on.
"Right now you're in danger."
What!? I am!? TELL ME HOW!!!
"Your family is in danger! Your pet is danger!"
Not Mr. Snuggies! What is the danger?
So he goes on to list Bernie Madof, some other dude, and Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of G.E. as the cause of all the danger because they caused the collapse of our financial system or something. Okay. I get Madof, but what did the head of G.E. do?
"Immelt will get away with doing business with Iran and corrupting NBC and turning it into a far left enterprise."
And the irresponsibility begins... we haven't even gotten to the new President or his administration yet here. Lets take a look at what's going on behind the scenes here. G.E. isn't doing business with Iran anymore, or as Bill likes to put it "aiding in the killing of American troops." This attack and the others that Bill makes daily on his show are in no way based on facts. They're all part of an ongoing feud between he and GE, NBC, and Keith Olberman. I've been watching this thing play out on both Bill and Olberman's shows because I like to keep both sides of punditry in check as much as possible. The result is O'Reilly reporting "news" such as this as if it were fact and claiming that HE is the one not spinning anything and HE is the one who's sifting through all the muck to get you the truth. That is dangerous and irresponsible journalism at it's finest... letting your petty little squabble between yourself and another station and it's pundit lead to straight up lies about war crimes that you pass off as facts. For shame yo! I didn't even mean to discuss that issue, but re watching his Talking Points from last night got me all fired up. Lets see what else they're up to...
Dick Morris... Lets get to this guy, the first guest Bill invites onto his show after Obama's first full day in office. Lets see what he has to say...
"Obama's stimulus package is really a Trojan Horse... inside that Trojan horse is a whole bunch of measures that make us like France, not quite Sweden yet, but France."
Now if you ask me that's awesome. I've heard nothing but good things about Sweden, but this D-Bag meant for that to be a bad thing. The guy then goes on about how Obama is going to nationalize the banking system. Now, I never heard him say that, but I feel like that has happened before... Hmmm....
Whatever, it's all right, this Morris guy will ease up once he comes out and finds a man who opens his heart to let love in... Just look at that man... he needs a man to help him ease up.
But that's not all, he goes on to accuse everyone Obama's chosen for his cabinet of being corrupt with no facts or sources to cite whatsoever and Bill agrees because it's now "a one party system".
Again... Bill's giving Obama a fair trial here. He's waiting to see what he actually does before passing judgment. Those past few sentences were rife with sarcasm. You have to make people aware of these things when you're speaking in type form.
Also here's his line of the night as listed on his own website, "The far left is devoid of any humanity and would gleefully tear the USA apart if they could damage George W. Bush."
This is just getting too exhausting to go on. But the point is, this behavior is the norm of what I've seen from fox; if you didn't support the old president then you are unpatriotic, you hate America, and you're trying to tear it apart. And while I didn't get into all the guests I've seen on Fox lately who's only credentials have been that they wrote about or are making movies about or like to just plain flat out bitch about how the Obama only won because the "liberal media is in the tank for him" (you know how they list pundit's credentials under their names as to why you should care about what they say? Well one girl I saw on Bill's show telling us that the Times is in the tank for the 'far left', her only credentials were 'Has a Bachelors in Print Journalism'. That's right, having a bachelors... not even necessarily a job that you needed that bachelors for, makes you qualified to go on the air in front of millions and state your opinion as fact over at FOX) ...umm, I digressed there. Point is, in a mere 24 hour time-span Fox went in a complete 180 of their support the president or else stance to their new stance, "If you support the president then you have been drinking the 'Kool-Aid' (they say that a lot) and are a victim of the liberal media hype machine."
No Fox... I'm just paying attention and I too have, not only a bachelors in a form of journalism, but a couple jobs to boot, so I guess I'm more qualified to my opinion than your pundits are.
Excellent writing Josh. I too have tried to watch Fox to hear what the opposition is reporting but can only tolerate a couple of minutes and can't imagine sitting through all of Bill. I am too old and have no patience. I watched for a few minutes during the Inaugration and heard them say there were "tens of thousand of people" in DC and then lament how hard it was going to be on GeorgeB because, "he was used to solving problems and now won't be able to". So if you just did a FOX Watch Blog for those of us with weak stomachs, you would be doing a service. But your writing has zing & heart and as they say, "keep a journal and someday, it might keep you." The new political writers need to come from somewhere. - Remember Palin only has a BA for a number of colleges and she almost got the White House. Plus, we do still care when your heart is broken.