So first there's this fear mongering propaganda... Glenn Beck's rallying cry of "We Surround Them" and "The 912 Project".
And then there's this...
These are scenes from a rally in downtown Cincinnati yesterday where a bunch of yuppies who would normally accuse people of being "jobless hippies" for being involved in this kind of thing came out to bitch and moan about how the government is taking ALL of their hard earned money and putting it directly into the pockets of crack dealers and hookers... no seriously, I just wasted the last twenty minutes of my life reading their comments on the situation and I very badly want to get in all of their "don't tread on me" and "git r done" faces and say...
Why do I want these people to shut the fuck up?
-First, Glenn Beck and his bullshit fear mongering. Seriously. For a minute I thought this guy was kind of funny because he was so crazy. But now people are actually listening to him, he's referring to himself as a televangelist, he's on TV shouting and waving his arms because "the government controls your lives and is taking all your money!!! We have to stand up and FIGHT!!" PUNK RAWK DUDE!! Where were you when the government was taking our money, and instead of spending it on us in our own country they were using it to blow up and kill those people who had nothing to do with 9/11? Where was your nationwide protest then asshole?! You were surely one of those people referring to anyone who disagreed with it as a "jobless hippie".
-Another thing, Beck calls this his "912 Project" because according to him we all woke up on September 12, 2001 and instictively "knew what to do". That's what he wants to get back to to solve this "problem" of "big government". We all apparently stood up, waved flags around, sang country songs, and yelled, "Fuck yeah America!" And then what? What did that solve? Well... now more people hate America than ever and as a matter of fact, this attitude was a catalyst for the real problem we face today... you know, the whole "world being out of money" thing, not the "big brother" conservative talking points... Anyway, yeah. Alan Greenspan even admits it. Those historically low interest rates that got the wheels turning on the downfall of the economy were set in place by him as a direct response to 9/11, right in step with the drum beat of jingoism that was going on at the time.
-Next, the distribution of the stimulus that those people are so pissed off about? Here's the general gist of it...
A big chunk of it is going right back to them. Jackasses. But what really offends me on a more personal level is that most of these people take issues with money for "protecting the vulnerable" AKA social programs. As someone who works and has experience in the non-profit industry I can tell you first hand that YOUR TAX MONEY IS NOT PUT DIRECTLY INTO THE HANDS OF CRACK HEADS. That argument pisses me off to no end. So many of the people protesting yesterday commented that they are tired of paying for hand outs to their neighbors because they work hard for their money and their neighbor needs to as well... well yeah, your neighbor should, but some people need help getting there or else they will become or remain those crack heads who continually try to drain the system. So why not invest in helping them get out of that situation, so you can stop complaining about giving your "hard earned money away to crack heads"?
-And in line with my last point, I'm going to go on a limb and assume most of these people would claim to be Christians. Isn't Christianity all about community and helping your neighbor? Propping up the less fortunate and not getting rich and such? And then comes the obvious argument to that point, "Well yeah, but why should the government tell me who I help with my money and how!?" The simple answer to that is "because you are a greedy asshole." Yeah, I'm a bit of a Hobbesian when it comes down to it and I still believe that the average individual is inherently evil and instead of actually helping the less fortunate like they all claim they would do if it weren't for those gosh darn taxes... that they'd just buy a bigger TV or give it all to their church so they can buy a bigger Jesus statue at best. Thus, call me a square because I know it's not very "punk rock", but I still have faith that a group of elected officials has much better a chance of investing our money in "protecting the vulnerable" than the individual "Christian" left to his own devices. Besides, even if these people do donate their money, a donation to is considered "charity" by many people, so...
-Finally, if these people are so adamant about "laissze-faire" and the "government is ruining and controlling my life! (...even though I was willing to let them get away with anything they wanted when I was scared of brown people dropping a plane on my house a few years ago)", then that's fine but, if that's how you all want it then...
-Don't take any roads on your drive to work tomorrow.
-Don't save hundreds of thousands of dollars on your childrens' education.
-Don't call the cops next time you get robbed.
-Don't call the fire department next time your house is on fire.
-Don't drink tap water or bottled water anymore... or take a shower for that matter.
-Don't take your trash out once a week to have it magically get "taken care of". Same goes for your sewage and flushing the toilet.
-Don't complain when there's no gas left in twenty-five years because no one bothered to figure out a better way.
-Don't complain when you lose your job and can't afford to find a new one.
-Don't get pissed when you get foreclosed on because the banks inevitably screw us all over again.
...figure all that shit out yourself assholes.
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