Anyway, I'm blaming my lack of posting on extenuating circumstances in life that are none of yer' damned business! But seriously man. Life is upside down, right side up, exciting and miserable all at the same time. It might also help that on Sunday we had another eight or so inches of snow dumped on top of us and as a result, work has been closed and I haven't left the house in two days. In fact, I don't think I've even spoken in these past two days... Does my voice still work? I'm going to test this out.
Nope... never mind. I'm not crazy enough to start talking to myself out loud in my apartment to make sure my voice still works. Then I'll know I've got some mad cabin fever baby! I've spent the past few days pacing back and forth, watching at least a combined fifteen hours or so of 30 Rock and Weeds, and stared out my window wondering if the rest of the world's population is on fire or not. (That's what we fancy big time writer's call an Easter Egg joke).
But what all this sitting around alone in my tiny apartment has given me, is a chance to add another jam to the Rotting Pizza EP which is now pretty close to being ready for the masses. Of all the previous tracks before today's, all that was left was re-tracking some guitars and some light mixing. But a new song has hit me and as part of making that new song I forced myself to learn how to do some pretty legit sampling techniques with the EXS24 sampler in Logic and my MIDI controller. All you have to do is set a hot key to slice a region at the playhead position as the song plays and then tap the tempo as it plays. At that point you've already made the slices for your sample. Then edit a new instrument in ESX24, drag and drop your regions and it has an option to automatically assign them to keys... after that you're pretty much done. It's so simple and awesome.
In other news I awoke this morning to find those goofs on Fox and Friends decided to dig up some survey that they claim "proves" that going to college makes you an evil liberal. They then allowed Tucker Carlson to rant like an idiot about how definitively this un-cited survey truly does prove that college makes you an evil liberal. Check it out if you want to kill some brain cells:
Now this would all be fine and dandy if they were joking or actually personally believed a single word of the vitriol that spews from their mouths, but that's not the case. They're paid to spread this propaganda and sadly, I guarantee you AT LEAST five or so kids in this country who were ready to go off to college and actually have a chance to make something of themselves now have a parent going "No son of mine is going to them Librul brainwashing camps!" and will refuse to pay for their child's education when they might have otherwise at least helped foot the bill... Call my logic extreme, but I'm telling you, at least five kids' lives were ruined today by Tucker Carlson. To quote myself and use the world's greatest arguing technique: Prove me fucking wrong.
i bet there will be at least a few kids who have to go to wierdo christian college now where they spew all the same stuff as fox news and worse.