Sunday, February 15, 2009

You DID NOT do it Better the Second Time Around

So I'm sort of watching "Attack of the Clones" on Spike right now... And I mean sort of because I've got my headphones on since I'm listening to the new Bomb the Music Industry! record and it's pretty solid so far. It's weird because in a way I've sort of grown up with this band what with Jeff (the guy who writes these songs) and I being relatively close in age that with each new song I hear I'm kind of like, yeah... it's kind of like that. But not in that whole "This Nickelback song TOTALLY is about me kind of way."

It's more like, "Hey yeah, I also sit around the house all day on weekdays and then go out and get real drunk with one or two people when we should be in bed by 11 to wake up for jobs like the rest of our friends with college degrees" kind of way. It's kind of fun like that.

Back to "Attack of the Clones". I was really trying to give it a second chance because I flipped through and landed on it towards the beginning of the movie and was like, "what the fuck is this?" That is to say, I have almost no memory of anything that happened in that movie. Ten minutes later, I was pretty satisfied by the fact that I forgot everything about it. What a trite piece of garabage... and ten minutes was all I really needed to figure that out. There was some scene where Anakin and Obi Wan are hunting some dude/chick down in a bar and Anakin's like, "This is Jedi business, go back to your drinks." and Obi Wan is offered a "death stick" which appeared to be the Star Wars version of a cigarette and he does the Jedi mind trick and goes, "You don't want to sell me a death stick," and the douchebag at the bar goes, "I don't want to sell him a death stick."

Really? We needed to sneak this tacky little anti-smoking bit into a fucking Star Wars movie?

...side note, I just looked up at the screen and saw Haydn Christiansen giving his "I'm an angry teenager look"... man, that guy could ruin the Godfather if you just had him stand in the background of one scene.

Last but not least, I caught the part where Obi-Wan is visiting the planet where they're building the clone army with Jango Fett or whatever and it's raining the whole time. The rain looked like they ripped the CGI from a Nintendo 64 game. I thought George Lucas was supposed to be like the richest film maker of all time, but it seems the more expensive efects he uses, the worse his movies get. Go figure.

If someone tells you that the Star Wars prequels have any value or merit besides tieing up the story (which it didn't even do that well) then they are a liar. Plain and simple.

This whole blog was misdirected and absent minded. Sorry about that guys. I'll do better next time. Go check out that BTMI record though.

Oh, also I'm contemplating the idea of caving in and just programming the drums on the album I've been working on. Somebody convince me not to.

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