Monday, February 2, 2009

Bong Hitz for Swim Team!

Hey guyz. Guess what happened!!

Michael Phelps did a fat bong rip! OMGz!1!!

The picture was taken some time in November, three months after he proved that he's the most ungodly atheletic and bad ass dude that ever lived. Phelps had to swim miles a day every day, seven days a week for quite some time leading up to the weeks, and he took a fat bong rip.

Ok. Who cares? I don't smoke weed and I'm not a huge fan of potheads who sit around listening to jam bands all day wallowing in their own filth and talking about everything that's wrong with the world and not doing shit about it... but you know what. The dude earned it. He worked his ass off for years, performed the greatest feat in the history of sports and the second it was over he had to do his media tours for a couple more weeks and when he got the chance to wind down he felt like doing a fat rip. That's fine with me.

Lots of people around the internet are talking about his sponsors pulling out over this. Thankfully few have announced that they're cool with it and hanging on to him. The primary issue with this is that Phelps was busted for drunk driving in 2004... and no one seemed to care. They went on sponsoring him and giving him millions knowing that he'd be a supreme bad ass in 2008. So if anyone who was with him then drops out now, then shame, shame, shame on them. The message there?Getting drunk and driving a few tons of steel around and endangering lives is okay because getting drunk is eventually legal, but hitting a bong and sitting around wanting to eat Dorritos and talking about how Tommy is the greatest album ever is apparently not okay because we have silly laws that say that's never okay.

So watch yourselves sponsors. If you drop a dude just for acting like human being once then I'm going to quit buying Speedos! I'd have to start buying TYR if I ever get back into swimming and there stuff fades way too fast.

...which reminds me of something I heard on "This American Life" today. They were talking about how they think no one should try to make Barack Obama quit smoking because then he'd have to go off and have an affair. While they were joking, the point is, people need to quit expecting "super humans" like Obama and Phelps to be perfect all the time. And when stuff like this comes up, just let it go. It only proves there humanity when you see that they have faults. In turn that means you could be just like them some day. Or not. I sit around eating a lot of pizza and playing video games. Probably a lot more than those dudes.

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