Thursday, February 19, 2009

Transist, Resist, GET PISSED!

I don't really have anything particular to say right now because I'm having one of those real shitty days when you just want to sit around and pout and mope about yourself and pretend your problems are the only ones that matters... and nobody on the internet cares (or should care at least) about that crap. So I'm going to keep this brief and just tell you guys that you need to go and Digg my friend Brie's awesome blog about the latest super computer he built:

Check out his blog and Digg it here

To cut through all the jargon on there since I'm sure none of you are that nerdy; basically he built a computer from scratch that was considered a Super Computer in the 1980s and made it a tiny fraction of the original physical size.

The main reason to check it out is because his nerd club is having an internet traffic battle with another nerd club... which is pretty awesome, and they need to catch up:

Hacker War
- there's all the stats and details.

So there you go... nothing about me today. But check out what Brie is up to because it's rad in a really awesomely lame way.

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